If you want to make sure that your site is generating a huge amount of traffic daily, you should think about improving the web design of your website in terms of the current trend that leads toward practical and simple solutions. It is very important to understand the basic rules of proper web design and apply certain fonts, images, and covers that can make the difference between successes and failure.
One of the most important elements is to have a professionally designed logo that will capture the attention of visitors. If you are not a professional logo designer, hire someone to do the perfect job for you. Remember that good looking logo is an important, almost crucial part of tour branding, so be sure to place it on a nice, dominant part of your homepage. You should use a high-resolution image with vivid colors. The best possible place for your logo is the upper left corner of the site. Be sure to place a link to your homepage on every logo you place on regular pages. Navigation is also a huge issue in web design and you should concentrate on developing practical and intuitive navigation that will naturally be directing users toward desired content.
The current trend is to place navigation in a horizontal bar and place secondary navigation just underneath the primary menu. Intuitive navigation is very important and you should try to design your navigation layouts to be very practical, not confusing. Do not put many links to less important pages that would distract uses from important content, rather place important information at the bottom of a page. Some designers are making a huge mistake by creating visually overloaded web presentations. You should make sure that your pages do not create a visual overload in form of animated gifs or lots of graphics. Your design should be lean, simple, and practical. You should also keep paragraphs very short, a single paragraph should be no more than six to seven lines. Try to create enough space between images and text. If you follow this advice viewer will have more space and time to absorb all of the features of your presentation. You should pay special attention to the layout that will keep users focused on the content. In that sense less is more, graphical elements should not distract users from call to action. You should use specific colors and the neutral color palette is the best possible option.
You can also place small dashes of color to highlight the most important content, but your presentation should be clean and modern in terms of appearance. Do not forget to use a color palette that pairs your logo design.
If you are using a lot of graphical elements, you should invest in professional photography or purchase professional stock photos. Photography should present your message and create an emotional connection with written content.